Monday, May 4, 2009

Copy Cats

I try to be original in everything I do. It really bothers me when I come up with something and other people think that they can use it as if they were me. I appear to be a normal person but I do things and wear certain things to stand out from the rest. I guess you could say that i march to the beat of my own drum. However there is always that one person who mimicks you and takes that one thing that you have, that you could call your own away from you. Why must people act like sheep and follow others and not have a clue about who they are themselves. It's almost like they don't want to face who they are because for some reason or another it scares them and would rather be like someone else to avoid their own reality. I know a person who is much older but won't face her true self so she takes certain characteristics from younger people to use them in her own life and in the end she doesn't realize that it just makes herself look fake. To those of you who follow others it really isn't flattery it's downright annoying but there will always be people out there like you that will follow and those like me who would lead so I guess I will have to endure it for at least one more day. I'm out. unknown

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