Saturday, May 30, 2009

Married and older guys...

I'm in my mid twenties and the only people who hit on me are either twenty years older than me or are married. I'm like the single girl that every guy wants to have an affair with. I'm almost have tempted to do it but can't bring myself because i've been cheated on. As far as the older guys that's just creepy. I've already dated an older guy and he treated me like i was his daughter and thought he could tell me what to do and how to do it. I didn't like it that much. Am I doomed to be single and not get any until somebody gets a divorce? How long is that going to take another five years? Don't get me wrong I like to be single i just want to get some every now and then. And I'm not into meeting people on the internet either i'm not that desperate and hope to never be that way.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

How come when ur so tired u can't keep ur eyes open that when u lay down ur wide awake?

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Am i gay because sex toys turn me on more than men?

Monday, May 11, 2009

Jealousy is for the weak and insecure
Why cant you just buy a package of white panties how come they have to have prints and designs?
The more u stress the worse things get... Just step away for a minute them take a fresh look at things because u may find something u didn't see before

Saturday, May 9, 2009

I'm bored out my mind. I have being by myself

Still on my mind

He's still on my mind but not because I still love him(which I always will) but becasue i'm jealous that he has the experience to get himself a better job than what I have. All I want is to get in. I'm train in a feild but unless you have experience nobody will hire you. Why is that? I can't even volunteer anywhere because the shitty place in which i live doesn't have any volunteer opportunties. What can I do? The only reason I got trained was because I was Supposed to have a job after my training. The guy that was supposed to hire me didn't follow through. Now I'm jealous that I can't get on anywhere. He is even trying to help me get in. It's impossible i guess don't know what else i can do. I really want to move away or broaden my horizons and find a job away from here but he's a great dad and I can't stomache the fact that I would have to take his daughter away from him or have to leave her behind. When will things change?

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


why is it that whenever i get the inkling to do something on the copmputer or look something up my stupid computer tends to run slower? I end up rebooting it then when i get it back up and running i can't rmemeber what i was doing? it really never occurs to me to write down what i was doing because i was so frustrated and to busy wanting to throw the stupid thing out the window to stop and think about what i was really doing. stupid things but we've come so used to having them in our daily life and routine that it's hard to imagine doing anything without them. take for instance the only reason why i got the internet was so that i could find a job so i pay about fifty dollars a month so that i can use the internet but still haven't found a job. with the internet you can do so much more but it just happens that whenever you're in the middle of something the page you were registering with can't be displayed or the screen freeze or some damn trojan has invaded your computer and it stops everything. i had a virus protection system on my computer and i still get some kinda weird virus that completely distroyed it. So now i'm using my room mates computer for everything and i'm so affraid to do anything with it because i'm affraid that the same thing is going to happen and hers will go down. oh well atleast it gave me this opportunity to blog about something today. you folks have a good day and hopefully your computer will take you where you need to go. unknown

Monday, May 4, 2009

Copy Cats

I try to be original in everything I do. It really bothers me when I come up with something and other people think that they can use it as if they were me. I appear to be a normal person but I do things and wear certain things to stand out from the rest. I guess you could say that i march to the beat of my own drum. However there is always that one person who mimicks you and takes that one thing that you have, that you could call your own away from you. Why must people act like sheep and follow others and not have a clue about who they are themselves. It's almost like they don't want to face who they are because for some reason or another it scares them and would rather be like someone else to avoid their own reality. I know a person who is much older but won't face her true self so she takes certain characteristics from younger people to use them in her own life and in the end she doesn't realize that it just makes herself look fake. To those of you who follow others it really isn't flattery it's downright annoying but there will always be people out there like you that will follow and those like me who would lead so I guess I will have to endure it for at least one more day. I'm out. unknown

Saturday, May 2, 2009

"Nevermind that man behind that curtain"

Welcome to my blog I am an unamed blogger because some of the things i may say on here may be offensive and possible leave you questioning what the hell was that person thinking when they wrote that. I'm a little off the wall and out there at times but it just may leaving you wanting more because of course everybody else's drama is always more exciting than yours. But i'll leave you with that right now my attention is being called elsewhere. i'll try to write everyday. -unknown